Beacon Acupuncture
A pivot stone On your wellness journey
cultivating health through Traditional and Modern methods
Acupuncture and Bodywork
Welcome! I am Liza Tangney L.Ac. at Beacon Acupuncture Clinic, located in North Grafton, MA. The goal here is to cultivate health and wellness using both Traditional and Modern acupuncture approaches that encompass the whole person. Acupuncture treats a large range of non-emergent medical conditions. I offer a variety of acupuncture styles, complementary adjunt therapies and manual therapy to meet patients’ needs based on their conditions / constitutions – not everyone needs the same thing.
With long history as a massage therapist, I’ve studied many different currents of thinking and approaches to massage therapy through the years, including humans, equines and canines alike. I offer a few types here that seem to be most impactful.
I do serious work lightly and with a sense of humor that’s based in belonging for all. I believe patient care is of great importance and provide the best quality of care, either by services offered or referral to other healthcare providers suited for their specific needs.